Doug was family. It was no small thing for Josh to follow
God’s call in moving to Georgia; he is a homebody, a small-town boy, a
change-hater. He would never have stayed had he not found a place of belonging
with Doug. When he had no one else, Doug embraced this fledgling leader and
seamlessly made him family. He was a part of their home. As Josh built his own family, we were
welcomed just as lovingly. Papa Doug and Grandma June were a third set of
grandparents to my babies.
Doug was a mentor. Being coworkers provided consistent
opportunities for Doug to teach Josh about life, love and leadership; he very
organically molded the people around him by simply sharing life with them. He
was fiercely supportive of Josh, and was always going to bat for him. Even in
his last days, he never stopped fighting for God’s best in Josh’s life.
Doug was a friend, in the deepest, most profound sense of
the word. He was Josh’s confidant, encourager, sounding board, partner-in-crime
… and Josh was the same to him. Doug was Josh’s “work wife.” It was a treasure
to know that when he left our home in the morning, he was headed to an
environment where someone deeply knew and loved him.
So much of the beauty of their relationship came from truly
knowing one another … they frustrated one another, disagreed with one another,
dismissed each other and hurt each other. Doug’s legacy in my husband’s heart
is so deep and lasting because, despite all the pains that come from real
relationships, Josh had an unwavering love and respect for Doug. He knew the
best and worst of Doug, and still deeply desired to be a man like him. To be
truly known and still honored … few men earn such a sentiment.
For whatever reason, I feel the loss most acutely for my
children. They should have grown up knowing him. My babies have the most
amazing daddy, and it is largely because of Doug’s influence in his life. I
dreamed of them being tiny witnesses to the power of sustained, loving
investment in unlikely people. Doug, having been the recipient of God’s great
grace in his own life, had learned to bestow the same belief in other people.
He has been ushered in. Oh to see that reunion. Not a
meeting, for Doug was deeply familiar with God. To see Doug reunited with the
one who changed, empowered, motivated, saved and truly loved Him – we take
great joy in imagining such an embrace.
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